A label which has been undervalued for far too long, in our opinion.
Since we partially grew up and originate from a family that is from Amsterdam, the capital of denim. It was hard for us to believe that there are hardly any brands utilizing the craftsmen and -women we have in the Netherlands
When we started DIMI, most of our considerations for producing in the Netherlands were practical, such as delivery time and communication with our manufacturer.
However, discovering the untapped potential of our domestic manufacturing industry, made our belief for local production stuck.
We have to admit, facilitating all the needs for high-end denim production has not been easy. It has been nothing short of the biggest challenge we've faced since starting this journey. Yet, it is rewarding to see the results and to contribute to impacting this industry as a brand.
We are fortunate to have found partners who share our beliefs and are on this journey with us.
This philosophy also came with its challenges. All the Dutch workshops we visited, lacked the specific machines necessary for our needs. To make this dream a reality, we've eventually driven hundreds of kilometers in search for the right machines. During these roadtrips we also risked a lot of injuries while lifting these heavy industrial sewing machines. But in the end, all the lifts and laughs, were very much worth the struggle. Because now we have successfully placed our machines in Utrecht at the Sew Crew. Together, building a foundation for state of the art denim production within Dutch borders.
The video shown here captures the moment we knew there was no turning back. We were lifting a machine we’d just purchased into our borrowed van, a 100kg beast being easily hoisted with a forklift. Unloading it without one, was a bit trickier though.